This page contains the answers to several commonly asked questions about the patterns we sell. We will update this page as a service to our customers, potential customers, and others who share our interest in historically accurate costumes and clothing.


What sizes do Past Patterns patterns come in?

Our patterns, with some exceptions, are manufactured in sizes 8 through 26 for women and sizes 34 through 54 for men. Most patterns are multi-sized. For a complete listing of measurements in inches see the size chart.

Why is my pattern size different from my off the rack dress size?

We use the U. S. Board of Standard Measurements to size our patterns. The ready made clothing manufacturers have their own set of sizes developed from their own statistics. For a complete listing of measurements in inches see the size chart.

How are the patterns packaged?

We package our patterns in two forms: Bond Paper and Tissue. Except for the Tissue patterns, each is slipped into a reusable plastic sleeve. Many contain documentation in the form of Historical Notes or the printer ie., Butterick. Because the patterns are printed in house to order, they can take from three to seven days. Tissue patterns, which are printed out of house, are available to ship immediately.

What does a Corset Kit contain in addition to the Corset pattern?

In addition to the pattern, the kits contain everything you need to make the corset except the thread. The kits contain, according to their type, fabric and lining, stays, clasp or busk board, back lacing, tape for finishing the edges, trim lace, ribbon, leather, tin stock, waist tape, punch and setter, eyelets, marking pencils, cording, reed and a loop turner.

What measurements do I need to know to order a Corset Kit?

The bust and back length. The back length is measured from the prominent bone at the base of the neck to the natural waistline.

Where can I see the appropriate clothing fabrics for the 18th and 19th centuries?

You can see 1740 through 1940 fabrics in a book titled “Textile Designs” by Susan Meller and Joost Elffers. The subtitle states, “Two Hundred Years of European and American Patterns for Printed Fabric by Motif, Style, Color, Layout and Period and 1,823 Illustration in Color.” What they don’t say is that 90% of the swatches pictured are life size. The ISBN is 0-8109-3853-7. A second book is Wearable Prints, 1740-1860, History, Materials, and Mechanics by Susan W. Greene. The ISBN is 978-1-60635-124-6. Great books! Order it from your local library that has interlibrary loan capability if you cannot afford the price. There are now many sources for appropriate fabric through the Internet.

Where can I find antique patterns to purchase?

On the Internet try: “Patterns from the Past.”


Still have questions?

Visit our Contact page or call (937) 223-3722


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